So this past week started off by teaching me a valuable lesson.
I know fully appreciate Wal-Mart's Groceries. They are probably the best priced food around. I decided to try shopping at Maceys which was a bad idea. Everyting was pretty expensive and to top everything off, I went to the store to pick up red grapes, because I love them, and all Maceys had was sub-par green ones. I also for some reason broke my big black belt that I love. I was taking it off and thought I had released the little metal clasp but I hadn't. So I ended up going all Hulk on the belt and ripping it and destroying it.
There was one incident at work that really made my day. Some poor older lady came to my window and wanted to put a stop payment on one her checks that she had written. So I have to ask her specific questions like, when was the check made out? Who was it made out to? How much was the check written for? Every question I asked her was met by a what? Sorry? huh? I'm hard of hearing. So i ended up asking her every single question at least 4 times.
Well the rest of the week was full of good news. We got our Christmas gifts at work. Which was a 75.00 dollar gift card to Provo Mall. I went shopping and spent a lot of it already. I bought a new black Belt at Charlotte Russe, I really like that store. I found a very cute red shirt and some denim trouser cut pants that I can actually wear to work. Who would have thought that would have made me so excited. While I was at the Mall, I swear I saw the same guy I had bought my nail buffering manicure kit from at University Mall. It was kind of unsettling, because I'm not positive but i'm pretty sure he also came into my work to get a notary stamp. I also got my balancing incentive which was a 30.00 visa gift card. And I got my new Credit Card this week also.
We also had our work Christmas party where we exchanged gifts. I was assigned to bring a dessert to the party. I didn't want to buy a full supply of baking powder and baking soda so I decided to go to my parents after work to make some sugar cookies. Well my mom's been out of town, and my dad had run out of milk. So I had to go to the gas station and buy a quart of milk. Then I continued making my dough when i realized my parents didn't have baking powder. I felt very resourceful at this point and grateful that my parents had Cream of Tarter. Did you know you could substitute baking soda and cream of tarter for baking powder. The cookies turned out great. I made cookies in the shapes of starts and i made cream cheese frosting to go on them.
So the party was fun. We all exchanged gifts. I gave kelli cute little red soup bowls, two yummy soup mixes and a new book to read. Gaye gave me some lotion and an Itunes card, which i was so grateful for. I love buying music. I felt bad when i found out she had had my name. I realized earlier that week she had secretly been prying and trying to get gift ideas out of me. She was asking if I had my christmas shopping done, and if I had made my christmas list or if I was going to go buy myself something like a new DVD. and I niavely responded Oh, i don't know If I'd have to go look at the store and see what I could find. So i was essentially zero help to her.
Big news though: My car loan got approved. I borrowed money all on my own, without my parents help. This is the car I'm buying. Its a 2008 PT Cruiser

Plus Erin and Bianca are here visiting this week, and I get to buy Michael Buble tickets on friday.