Monday, January 31, 2011
Music Challenge-05
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Music Challenge-04
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Music Challenge-03
Friday, January 28, 2011
Music Challenge-02
Music Challenge-01
Friday, January 21, 2011
Scared Silly
So we now have a brand new customer at the Bank, and we'ere all just super happy and excited about it, NOT. As "W" opened up his account he was bearing his testimony and crying and ended up singing a song to our Customer Service people. While these might not be inherently bad, there's a socially appropriate time and place to do such things.
Then W came up to my window. He wanted a roll of the new Abraham Lincoln gold dollars. He was very particular and basically warned me not to touch the gold, just the paper. Then he asked me to check for half dollars, or any other “unusual money.” By unusual I’m pretty sure he means collectible or uncirculated. He told me if anything “unusual” came in our shipment that I should hold on to it and that he would be back. I told him I would keep an eye out for anything interesting. Then, he turned and looked at me and said “ if you don’t believe me, just look into my eyes.” He then removed the sunglasses he had been wearing and proceeded to stare me down. He had that serious thoughtful look that David Caruso gives on CSI Miami. You know the look, where he delivers some quip that is supposed to be witty or ironic, and he removes his sunglasses as the sun sets behind him and the opening credits roll.
After he was done with that, W asked me not to call the cops on him. I told him that was silly and that there was no reason whatsoever to do that. He continued to tell me that just the night before, for no explicable reason according to him, two people at Wal-Mart called the cops on him because they believed him to be dangerous. The police arrived and escorted the 2 individuals to their car and detained W for an hour. Can you say scary?
Needless to say, I have never met someone who has ever made me feel that uncomfortable. We were already just to do whatever he asked and get him to leave the building as soon as possible. Personally I think its time to invest in some pepper spray.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Catch a Ride Home.
So we have a customer at the bank that we see on a pretty regular basis. "K" is about my age and he got married last year. K's dad is also one the branch manager's at the bank where I work. We all know K but the most time i have spent with him is maybe a minute while I am cashing a check or something.
Monday, January 10, 2011
I love my Family

My family is full of smart and calculating people, and I love them. For example, A week or two before Christmas Adrienne entered a contest and won a new Ipod touch. I told her that she needed to win one for me. Or, better yet, since she got my name for Christmas I could just take the Ipod in place of whatever she had given me for Christmas. Her response was simply “rude.” Adrienne said that she was willing to sell the Ipod, but that she would wait until she actually got it to find out how many GBs it was and how much she wanted to ask for it. That was all fair enough.
Today, I get a text message and this is how the conversation went.
Adrienne: I got the Ipod, It 32 Gb. How much is it worth to u?
Me: I’d say $50.00, but I’m willing to bargain. ( Keep in mind that she won the Ipod and paid nothing for it)
Adrienne: U realize that if u got it at Best Buy ud pay 299.
Me: Yes, but any money that you actually get would just be profit, right?
Adrienne: umm, yes.
Me: Well, how much do you want for it?
Adrienne: I’ll keep you posted.
Then my brother Jordan pipes in with his own text message to moi
Jordan: If yo Adrienne texts you make sure you lowball her if you make an offer on the ipod. . .she might make an auction out of us.
Adrienne's tough, the dirty rotten scoundrel. At least Jordan and are looking out for each other right? Or are we?
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
This year has been a crazy year and it went by so fast.