This past sunday duriing Sacrament meeting, this girl in my ward that i've never met, was freaking staring at me during the opening song. then after we sang, she made some completely inappropriate and kind of rude about how on of my thumbs is different then the other. Keep in mind i've never spoken to this girl before, i don't know her name, and this is my first impression. "This is something abnormal that i've noticed about you" is what she was basically saying. Then she made some comment about people have to look at her but as she got up to bear her testimony in relief society. What ever!!!
So my sister Adrienne is coming tomorrow with her family, her husband and two boys. She 's the sister having a baby girl like the week after thanksgiving. I also found out that my oldest sister lindsay in having baby number five and is due in may.
So here are some highlights from the last two weeks. (sorry i didn't write last week, i'm an awful person). So I took a test that thursday before conference for my speech anatomy class. I got a 96% on the mulitple choice part and we get the written portion back in class tomorrow. Cross your fingers. ha ha.
Then My sister came from denver with her family that day and stayed for a week. I miss them a lot. her boys are so adroable, and i can't wait to meet the new baby in december. To secure my place as favorite aunt, i bought tristan and jack presents before they left. I bought Jack a stuffed monkey. I bought tristan an elephant. We named the elephant Harry.
Conference was so good. So many great talks, all about improving, and service and love. I loved Elder Bednars talk, Elder Uchtdorf's talk, Elder Oaks, Elder Holland. So so so good.
Last weekend I got kidnapped. It s a pretty funny story. So my roomate Sarah went to dinner with 3 of her friends, Liam, Graham, and Brittney. They came back to our apt afterwards and we hung out , and talked, and laughed, etc. etc. For an hour or two. Around midnight, they all decide to go to Brittney's place to make muddy buddies adn watch a movie. They tell me i'm going with them, and that I didn't have a choice. So Sarah and I were thinking we were going to Brittney's apt in Provo. As we drive in the car, we realize we are head toward the freeway and we were going to Brittney's family's house in Highland, which is pretty close to where your family is i think.
So we make treats and watch Arsenic and Old Lace. Finally the movie is over around 3:30 in the morning. Everyone is dead tired so we all just crashed on extra beds in Brittney's house. We drove home in the morning. It was quite an adventure.
then I had people from my ward last year over for dinner on Sunday. I almost ruined the sloppy joes i made. Who does that? how hard is it to make sloppy joes. um. . on a scale form 1-10 about 2. I was so embarrased. I did salvage them and they were delicous. We had grapes and sloppy joes and fries and apple pie. it was so good. We also got on skype and talked to my roomate who couldn't come because she' on an internship and is in Washington DC. So its been pretty crazy.