Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Proof Positive

So I am a total fan of the show Glee. I've fallen in love with Lea Michelle's voice. So I was thrilled that Idina Menzel was on the show 2 episodes ago. I even enjoyed the Power of Madonna episode this week, and I'm not a huge Madonna fan. I was also very excited to hear that in a soon to be aired Lady Gaga tribute episode, Lea Michelle and Idinia Menzel are going to sing together. So amazing!!! I also saw they are bringing Kristen Chenowyth's character, April, back next episode. Imagine if they could get Kristin and Idina to sing something together again.

Anyway. . . I'm being majorly distracted. . . the point is I knew Lea and Idina looked similar but I had no idea they resembled each other so much that they could be related. I love them both.
I just wanted to ramble for a minute and again push more evidence out there that If they are making the movie Wicked with a younger cast, they should get Lea Michelle to do it.
That is all

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