Thursday, August 22, 2013

Throw Back Thursday-High School Memory

Alright, this week we are talking about a memory of a high school class or high school teacher.  My Junior year I had a great time in my chemistry class. Not only was I in the same class as a bunch of my friends but I had the strangest teacher, Miss Wentz.  The best way I can describe Miss Wentz is a free spirit.  Her personality reminded me of a hippie for some reason. She had long blonde hair, and it was not uncommon to have her walk around class bare foot or sit up on her desk with her legs crossed Indian style.

I remember our first class with her, she let us use Bunsen burners to burn Cheetos. I guess it was supposed to teach us about the chemical content of our snack food and just how greasy Cheetos actually are.

Miss Wentz was also the person who introduced me to Arrested Development. She was the first person to quote and reference the very first episode where we find out just how awesome Lucille Bluth really is.

Miss Wentz was actually really smart, she actually scored a perfect 36 on her ACTs, but she was so easily distracted. I remember we got her going on a tangent for an entire class period after we mentioned the book we were reading in our English class. This book was called Wives and Daughters and it was very similar to a Jane Austen novel.  Miss Wentz had actually read the book and decided to take an entire class and tell everyone else who hadn’t read it a little about the plot and to talk about the characters. She also wanted to talk about her favorite scene which involved the main character, Molly, saying goodbye to Roger, the guy she is in love with, who is sailing to Africa. Molly is in emotional turmoil but Roger has no idea how she feels about him of course. He just sees Molly as a great friend. Typical. I actually did enjoy the book and there is a BBC miniseries that is quite excellent. 

Needless to say, a year in Miss Wentz’s class was anything but boring. And we did occasionally learn about chemistry, the periodic table, and balancing chemical equations. 

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